Frequently Asked Questions

1. Do I need to set up an account to make an order?
  • No, you don't necessarily have to create an account with us to purchase an item. It is however recommended that you do, so your details will automatically be within our system.

2. How do I check my size?
  • There is a Size Chart link on the bottom left of our homepage for you to refer. 

3. What payment methods do you offer on the website? 
  • Currently, we only accept Paypal. We are also in the midst of installing other available payment methods for easier transactions through the website. 

4. How long will it take till I receive my order? 
  • Production time will take approximately 2 - 3 weeks maximum. Each item is carefully hand stitched and curated, but we will try our best to complete the orders as soon as we can.  

5. Do you ship internationally?
  • Yes we do ship our products internationally, but there will be postage fees according to PosLaju and DHL.